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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
September 23, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman, Ferguson, Wright, Kaley, Cramer and Wilson
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Land Use and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 6:05 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:17 p.m.
Commissioner Barkman asked if the order of the items on the agenda be changed since she needs to leave early.  No objections were noted.

I.      Public Participation.

No members of the public were present.

II.     Finalization of the Natural Resource Inventory Vendor Selection RFP.

Mr. Sibley will send the proposal out to prospective vendors.

III.    Presentation on Open Space Economics.

Mr. Sibley plans to present this to the Legislative Council on Wednesday, October 1st @ 7:00 p.m. at the Library.  Commissioners are encouraged to attend.

IV.     Minutes - Approval of 9/9/08 Meeting Minutes.

Commissioner Ferguson motioned to approve the minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  Motion approved unanimously.

  V.   Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates.

1.      Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate.

Commissioner Ferguson made a motion that if the owner of property 08-11 is willing to donate said property as a gift to the Town of Newtown, that the Conservation Commission recommend to the Board of Selectmen to accept a gift.  Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  Motion carried unanimously.  Commissioner Hovious will send a letter to the First Selectman.

2.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update.

Commissioner Hovious discussed an e-mail received from the First Selectman regarding the presentation by the Economic Development Commission (EDC) to the Board of Selectmen requesting 4.7 million for the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).  It was noted that the Conservation Commission has not seen this proposal yet.  The First Selectman asked the two commissions to meet and find a resolution.  Commissioner Hovious said that per Chet Hopper, the EDC is developing a lay-out for review. Land Use staff will be invited. Fiscal impact documents will be included.  Mr. Hopper and Liz Stocker will be set up a meeting for the week of October 6th.  Dan Holmes, Chairman of the Newtown Energy Group, would like to meet to discuss possible solar collection devices to be placed on the site.

Upon Liz Stocker’s request, Mr. Sibley toured the parcel with two new EDC members; there were four EDC members in attendance.  He noted the walk was productive and the two new EDC commissioners showed interest in the agricultural soils. The commissioners discussed dates that would be available to meet with the EDC.  Commissioner Hovious will contact the EDC and offer to meet on the morning of October 3rd or Saturday the 4th.  Land Use Staff and Ms. Stocker will also be invited.

3.      Status of Iroquois Property Easements and Transfer.

Mr. Sibley stated that this is still at FERC.  

4.      Citizens Requests.

Randle (4 Erin Lane) - No Update.
McChord (Poverty Hollow) - No Update.
Viola Property – Mr. Sibley sent out a letter to Mr. Viola.  

5.      Taunton Lake Committee Report

Commissioner Wilson was appointed Chair of the Taunton Lake Subcommittee.  The subcommittee met on September 10th and developed a list of alternatives to consider in regards to use of the property.  The following suggestions were compiled:
·       The site would have limited access for use by town residents.
·       Two parking spaces along the road would be used on a first-come, first-serve basis.
·       A trail to the water’s edge would be developed to provide access for canoes, kayaks, rooftop boats and pedestrians.
·       A small sign and/or bulletin board would be placed near the water and would include the following:
        -       A statement that the site is for use by town residents only.
A number to call for information (Land Use Agency).
-       Other possible inclusions on the sign: education about Milfoil; reminder to “Leave no Trace”; personal floatation devices are required in boats; no alcohol on the site; no gas motors allowed; and no storage of boats.
·       There would be:
No guard rails.
Trees planted between the road and the water.
A berm or buffer provided to catch sand and prevent silting.
Improved Town maintenance of storm drains in the area to collect particulates and hydrocarbons.
Native plantings.

Commissioner Barkman agreed with all of the above except she does not support the sign.

The subcommittee felt a pass system is unnecessary since parking would provide self limitation.  They discussed widening the trail to allow canoe and kayak access.  Commissioner Barkman felt the Commission should concentrate their concerns over the health and well-being of the Lake.  

Commissioner Wilson will send out the suggestions as an e-mail to Commissioners and a motion will be made at the next meeting to adopt these recommendations.  

Mr. Sibley discussed a statute passed last year allowing municipalities and land trusts to adopt fining fees associated with open space.  He feels the Town should adopt an ordinance that includes a fining fee schedule.  He discussed placing stickers on items left or stored illegally on open space that denotes a timeframe when the item would be confiscated if not removed.
6.      Update on Possible Presentation on Stonewall Preservation.

Commissioner Kaley attempted to contact the person at UConn who would provide this presentation, but she has not received a response back as yet.  She will follow-up later in the month.

7.      Presentation by Alicia Messier.

The thesis presentation will be held separately from the October 3rd gathering at George Ferguson’s home.  Commissioner Ferguson suggested using the Newtown High School lecture room.  Ms. Hazen will contact the Conservation Club advisor to see if the room can be scheduled.  Commissioner Hovious stated that the Pootatuck Water Shed Association is interested in attending as well.

VI.     New Business

1.      Follow-up on Land to be Conveyed to Newtown.

Mr. Sibley stated that Ms. Stocker will be following up on the six parcels the State is to convey to the Town.  There are several departments within the State that need to review these transfers.

2.      Delegation of Routine Requests to Land Use Staff. – Item Tabled.

3.      Kotch Question of CT General Statute 12-107.

Commissioner Philip Kotch of the Inland Wetlands Commission sent information to Commission Hovious regarding public interest to encourage the preservation of farmland, forest land and open space land with the intent to give tax breaks to residents.  The program gives tax breaks on land that is not to be developed.  Mr. Sibley believes that the Tax Assessor uses the 490 program for all three classifications.  Commissioner Kotch asked if the Conservation Commission would be interested in encouraging this.  Mr. Sibley discussed different options for land owners. Commissioner Ferguson will research this and report back to the commission.

4.      Planning & Zoning Requests for Review:

Schultz Family Ltd. Partnership
Pootatuck Rentals, LLC

Commissioner Wright motioned to adjourn the meeting.